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Who We Are

Our history and purposE

Momentum Canberra Church is a church plant out of Narrandera (CRC Churches International, NSW) that seeks for everyone to experience the Supernatural Grace of God. Pastor Mark, Carolyn and their daughters made a move to Canberra in response to the call of God to begin Momentum Church in 2013.

Momentum is a community of believers who welcome people no matter who they are, where they have been or what they have experienced in life. We desire to create personal, purposeful relationships, whether it’s in building connections on a Sunday night service, hanging out together in life groups or meeting up for coffee ☕

We are all about helping people develop and grow stronger in their faith journey. We believe that the Grace of God will restore, renew and empower lives to fulfil their calling in God. We strongly value our partnership and connection with the wider Christian community, and we love the city of Canberra - it is our heartfelt desire to be a spiritual home for people of all nations and all generations.

Mark and Caz Warren

Pastor Mark & caZ warren

"We are believing for doors to open in 2024 for people to enter into all that the Lord has for them individually and together as a church.

Our heartfelt desire is for everyone to experience the Supernatural Grace of God no matter where on the journey they might be."

Missions Statement

Momentum Canberra Church supports Christians worldwide in sharing the Word of God and expressing His love to all people.

We directly support local communities in Asia, Haiti and Papua New Guinea. We always seek to honour our overseas partners in prayer and support. Feeling moved to give? Check below for details.

All funds donated pass directly onto ministry workers in the mission field.

CRC Churches statement of faith

The CRC believes in and presents the following basic truths:


• In the Bible as the inspired Word of God.

• In God, the Creator, who has revealed Himself in the Persons of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit;

• In the Divinity and sinless Humanity of Jesus Christ, and in His miraculous ministry, His suffering and death on the Cross as the only Saviour for the sins of the world, and His resurrection from the dead;

• That Jesus will return to the earth as its final Judge of the living and the dead;

• That all people fall short of God's perfect standard and can only find forgiveness through faith in the saving work of Jesus Christ;

• That all people who have put their faith in Jesus Christ will witness a transformation in their lives, exemplified by repentance and holiness of conduct;

• In Christian Baptism, by full immersion in water, of those who have personally placed their faith in Jesus Christ;

• In regularly celebrating the Lord's Supper, remembering Jesus Christ's saving work;

• In the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, with the normal initial evidence of speaking in unknown languages;

• In the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit;

• That God heals the sick today through active faith in His grace;

• In the power of prayer;

• In God's community of believers, the church and its responsibility to spread the message of the Gospel to all people and nations.

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